

i know it, i know.

this blog has been a little aimless. the truth is i can't really care. i started this without a real goal. i thought it'd be nice to be noticed, buti didn't bank on that happening. i don't have great internet connection, so posting photos is just bothersome, fashionblog out.
i no longer use my computer to write, not a literature blog.
i haven't been improving my portfolio much at all which is pretty embarassing as an artist, so i haven't even got pictures of my work. i suppose i could photo all of my little sketches, which i quite like, but those are premature and gruesome.

i don't know what i'm doing anymore- i was meant to move to new york with jaiek, but that's not exactly happening. i'm still going though.. i'll see what the big bad city has for me. match me.

that's why jaiek and i were together. because we both needed it rough. decadent. violent.

incidentally today is my little sister madelyn's first birthday. i call her tootsie.

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like lips on a whistle i just need to be around you.