

Have you yet noticed, this is my first post?
Yes, myspace has lost it's touch[after four years, the gilt shine has definitely rubbed off, now the grey plastic is apparent.] I joined myspace my freshman year of highschool, after the prompting of my friends. I admit to giving in to this sort of peer pressure. Anyway-Four hundred friends later, a zillion bulletins flaunting friend requests strong, I am officially worn out.
And even though I am sick, I cannot delete it. I will save it and return once everysooften to check up on the bands I've come to love.

So, in search of something less drama-provokactive, and a sight more anonymous, I have come to blogspot. After browsing several fashion blogs and social commentaries, I must say I am dazzled.
Maybe I will add another sparkle to this scintillating mass of witty, people pereusing checks, and even more the thing sthese people wear.

So, I will tell you about myself.
Sadly, I live in a small college town, which would be great, but I am not in college yet. Save that for next fall. I'm thinking of going somewhere in New York. hopefully I will be accepted somewhereabouts. Hacking through highschool, sofar, my record is respectable, but unremarkable. 3.2ish grade point... I know. I'm ashamed. I would go on and give youall my sordid excuses but I annoy myself when I do that. Let me just tell you I have been homeless or couch hopping about 2/3 of highschool sofar. That'd be two years out of three. My grandmother was kind enough to house me this summer. Now I am back at home because my mother has had a new baby, 14 years the youngest of her children. Madelyn is a week old baby who delights herself by making strange gurgling noises from the pit of her stomach and gets the hiccups frequently.
myself, I am about seventeen with an ambition for an invisible something. I have yet to discover what I'm looking for.

For now I am wanting to see Factory Girl, I heard it was good. And Marie Antoinette, which I heard was bad. But I have a soft spot for crappy movies.

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like lips on a whistle i just need to be around you.