This was an assignment for my A.P. Comp class. We all chose an auto/biography to read, then came in posed as our person. Then an interview was conducted and we answered quesitons in first person as our character etc... as a memeber of audience, you chose one of the people to write an article about, guise as a real publication. Thereby aspiring for a specific and established style, proving you'd paid attentin in class, and practisising the art of composition. The end doesn't make sense unless you understand the assignment.. the fact that if the person you were impersonating was dead in real life, you pretended they had temporarily returned in full health.. or as healthy as they ever were... yes. So questions like "how did you die?" could be answered in less absurdity. Final exam... I got an A+. I chose VOGUE
Perhaps no actress in history was as famous for not being an actress than Ava Gardner. Daintily clad in a deep peach, intricate lace, bustier necked farthingale and conspicuous pearl earbobs, Gardner was the personification of exotic beauty. The very embodiment of the glamour of the forties and fifties celebrity, acclaimed by her contemporary counterparts; Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland, and others. Gardner was the ideal of her time and relegated to the domain of succesful moody actresses. Known, to extent that she is known by the general audience member(the original interview took place last week on "The Show," show), only as the wife of famed Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw, and Frank Sinatra. The interview with the most beautiful woman ever, as put by Elizabeth Taylor, proved there was more to this "love goddess" than meets the eye.
When her interviewer asked why someone would want to write a book about her, her first words were, "Hell if I know." In typical Gardner style it seems the interview progressed, with Gardner riding along with her wits poised for action, ready to be flung from her mouth swifter than than arrow from the Tartar’s bow. Not all of her responses were as brief, amusing as were, however, and the answers provided to other questions were teeming with interesting facts about her life.
Born Ava Lavinia Gardner in Grabstown, North Carolina, on Christmas Eve in 1922, Gardner was raised in a average-to-do household with many siblings, and grew up with few airs and little ambition. The turning point in her life, she recognised, was when she went to visit her older sister in New York in 1941. Her sister’s boyfriend at the time was a photographer and snapped shots of Ava as an amateur model. He then posted these pictures of her in a store window display and deposited them with the New York office of MGM studios. These first photographs brought attention to Ava, and she was subsequently called down to the office for a screen test. Delighted by the unforced manner of her acting, but perturbed by her heavy southern accent, they sent a silent bit to Hollywood. "After my screen test, the director clapped his hands gleefully and yelled, ‘She can’t talk! She can’t act! She’s sensational!’" There, the decision to call Gardner down to the West Coast office was made in half a mo.
Gardner’s discovery did not catapult her into stardom, however, MGM only used her as a pin- up model and a supernum- erary actress. Sotto voce, Gardner exclaimed that she was never anything more than an ingenue anyway. Between the years 1943 and 1944 she appeared in nine MGM productions uncredited. Other movie-makers seemed to see more than a soubelle, and frequently ‘borrowed’ her from MGM. Some of her most memorable roles, including Venus in One Touch of Venus and Kitty Collins in The Killers were both production of United Artists, not MGM. Gardner supposed in her interview that perhaps after gaining popularity in the boxoffice, to be sure it was not with critics, MGM realised her beauty and talent and began casting her for starring parts. The first of which being in The Hucksters alongside Clark Gable(my personal favourite actor.) Incidentally, Gable, best known for his portrayal of the lovable rogue from the greatest grossing film of all time, Gone With The Wind, Rhett Butler, was one of the only literary characters Gardner was familiar with. She claimed to have read only two books ever, those being said one-hit-wonder by Margaret Mitchell and The Bible.
Gardner maintained her ataraxy even with MGM’s revelation, and her supine attitude toward her work in movies was evident in the interview. "I didn’t like any of them. It was for the money, honey." Her nonchalance was perhaps evidence of a previous run-in with a famous person: "Maybe I just didn’t have the temperament for stardom.I’ll never forget seeing Bette Davis at the Hilton in Madrid. I went up to her and said, ‘Miss Davis, I’m Ava Gardner and I’m a great fan of yours.’ And do you know, she behaved exactly as I wanted her to behave. ‘Of course you are, my dear,’ she said. ‘Of course you are.’ And she swept on. Now that’s a star."
Gardner abhorred what fame had brought her. After the failure of her first and second marraiges, and the cuckoldry that ensued between her and the observed of all observers, pipulistic and hopeless libertine, Frank Sinatra, it seemed that all the limelight had brought her was unwelcome surveillance. The bill-and-cooers met while Sinatra was still married, during a lower point of his career. In any case, the paparazzi still stuck to him like lips on a whistle.© Given the Gardner’s piquant and Sinatra’s magnetism, the dalliance received much media interest, and Catholic interference. Some church members suggested that Sinatra’s records and Ava’s movies be boycotted. This was damaging to Frank, or Francis, as Gardner tenderly referred to him, but did little to impact her career. Of course, gossip continued to flourish alongside and against the relationship.
The mesalliance that occurred between vir et uxor, established in 1951, was to be known as the romance of the century. Gardner said that the marriage did not change the relationship, though, and querulousness of the two was not undone. She later dumped him, though she admitted in her interview that he would call her during intermission and talk and sing to her for hours on the telephone. Also a statue of Gardner was given to Sinatra, and it stayed in his yard and his general vicinity even into his next marriage, before the new wife told him to remove it. Gardner also revealed that after her death in 1990 of bronchial pneumonia Sinatra locked himself in a room for three days lamenting over the loss of her life and his loss of her love.
Before and after Gardner’s move to spain following a messy breakup and unwanted aftereffects yeilded by unimaginable personal interference by the press, Gardner’s craft fait accompli, and at the culmination of her career over five decades she had a fructification of nearly 70 film and television spots, even if in middle-age she had only worked on films intermittently and with third-tier directors. Ava was cast sometimes because of her unforced style of acting and her exquisite lovelyness. While she was seen by some as a genious believable actress- "I have only one rule abour acting- trust the director and give him heart and soul-’’Gardner was often viewed by critics as a slinky glamour girl with no acting talent. In anycase, Gardner was somewhat reflective of her role in the somewhat anachronistic The Barefoot Contessa, in which her character Maria remains unimpressed by the onslaught of stardom.
Posthumously, Ava Gardner is still as jejune and mesmeric as can be remembered, and in her own words is still "deep down, pretty superficial."
not birds.... well, I would if it weren't winter...
My favourite series; being J.K.Rowlings, Libba Bray, and of Stephenie meyer; all are in movie production points.
Of course, harry Potter is no secret by any means, but Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is in casting phase: with Robert Pattison as the godlike Edward, and Kristen Stewart as Bella. Summit is producing. I am satisfied with the casting list, Robert has even been in Harry Potter as Cedric Diggory- and Kristen Stewart I know from Speak, an interpretation of Speak, a great book in my opinion. I've been awaiting the production of this movie for years. A friend of mine, Sadaf, has been alongside. We read the latest installment of the series, Eclipse, together, page by page. Speaking of, my best friend also kneeled by my side as I puked out my stomach with my first bout of alcohol poisoning. Terrible However, in the worst of ways, it has shrunk my stomach, and I do foresee a loss of weight in the future. This is nearly good, as I've been teetering over 140 pounds lately- while 125 lbs. is my ideal weight at my height. I have steadily been gaining weight over the past two years, due to bouts of gluttony. Argghh.
Well, now I can't stand to eat much more than a dark chocolate kiss when it comes to snacking, and fruit is the only thing on the menu at any other time.
The other in pre-production is A Great and Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray, whose livejournal can be found through a link on my page. Witty. There isn't a cast list yet, but I'll be checking iMDB every so often...
So other additions to my christmas wishlist are movies: Factory Girl, Harry Potter Series, The Black Balloon, The Strangers, Pink Pyjamas, Marie Antoinette, Alamorisse(one of his films, that is), Juno( i love Michael! as do many others...), Candy.
My favourite series; being J.K.Rowlings, Libba Bray, and of Stephenie meyer; all are in movie production points.
Of course, harry Potter is no secret by any means, but Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is in casting phase: with Robert Pattison as the godlike Edward, and Kristen Stewart as Bella. Summit is producing. I am satisfied with the casting list, Robert has even been in Harry Potter as Cedric Diggory- and Kristen Stewart I know from Speak, an interpretation of Speak, a great book in my opinion. I've been awaiting the production of this movie for years. A friend of mine, Sadaf, has been alongside. We read the latest installment of the series, Eclipse, together, page by page. Speaking of, my best friend also kneeled by my side as I puked out my stomach with my first bout of alcohol poisoning. Terrible However, in the worst of ways, it has shrunk my stomach, and I do foresee a loss of weight in the future. This is nearly good, as I've been teetering over 140 pounds lately- while 125 lbs. is my ideal weight at my height. I have steadily been gaining weight over the past two years, due to bouts of gluttony. Argghh.
Well, now I can't stand to eat much more than a dark chocolate kiss when it comes to snacking, and fruit is the only thing on the menu at any other time.
The other in pre-production is A Great and Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray, whose livejournal can be found through a link on my page. Witty. There isn't a cast list yet, but I'll be checking iMDB every so often...
So other additions to my christmas wishlist are movies: Factory Girl, Harry Potter Series, The Black Balloon, The Strangers, Pink Pyjamas, Marie Antoinette, Alamorisse(one of his films, that is), Juno( i love Michael! as do many others...), Candy.
I feel in a literal sense I am coming apart. Like the trees lost their leaves in autumn, my hair follows suit. For a while, I was reminsicent of a Beatle, now I’ve embraced a look of corporate, less corporeal. (I first encountered the word corporeal whilst reading a Harry Potter book, about summoning a patronus, and of what caliber it was siphoned into Harry’s world.) I remember sitting in a beautician’s chair for the first time in nearly four years, to have someone else cut my hair. Seeing hair fall on my sleeves and then to the floor with a brush of my hand was something surreal. Strangely enough, I have been toying with the idea of dying my hair platinum blonde. Now I feel a little ironic. Will my head next resemble the snows of the season? I am a little behind the times.
Time is a disgustingly elusive idea. I tapped into this in another column, and I’ve begun wondering again. There is a picture, here, in my mind, of how it works. The job now is to translate it.
I’ve consulted my magical thesaurus. This wonder of man has below a single entry, in this, Time, the links to all the possible interperitations of the word you could think of. Or in any case, of that Mr. Roget could think.
Time, as a noun, has several synonyms, my favourite of which are quotes from authors and philosphers. "The author of authors" in accordance of Francis Bacon, "a short parenthesis in a long period" in accordance with Donne, and "the soul of the world" according to Pythagoras.
None really suit my needs. Then again, I’m not entirely sure what these supposed ‘needs’ are. (Oh, I’d like to warn those people who’ve not yet read or listened to any of my literature: Due to a very unfortunate wiring of my brain, I’m prone to using language loosely, I like to manipulate words to the point of incoherency. So, I beg that you churn water for a while and go with the flow.)
I think this may be because time, in concept, surpasses my imagination. Like the concept of a boundless universe, and even Parallel existence, alternative universes, infinity; all of these I can fantasize about, but never really understand. Even the idea of the mind, and memory is quite beyond me. But those are for other columns.
Time is the most profound of human perceptions.
I am really a pretentious creature, and want to sound really impressive in my writing, so I researched some theories of time, and find all of them out of sync with mine. They suggest that time is a tangible property of the universe, "Under such a conception, time is scalar ( scalar = weight ) and quite passive. It only supplements the spatial arena, against which the events of the universe are played out. Owing to one scalarity of time, in the equations of theoretical mechanics the future is not separated from the past;" not because I need layman’s terms is it that I don’t understand this explanation, but the general theory that time can be discovered by geometric devices and differentiated from space intervals, and the suggestion that time can be predicted in units, are both beyond the capacity of my ego.
I cannot comprehend time in units: those being seconds and hours and days. Those are all earthly products of mathematics, which is another of those theories I’ve never come to grasp. Time is self imposed. The passage of human perception can’t be sliced into periods. Right?
To encapsulate the idea that the world is how we view it, I borrow another quote: "Reality, like time, is partial to the observer." Myself, I don’t know if this is a word for word review, or how unconventional it is to quote from a movie(In this case, that movie is Contact. Terribly good and boggling). In this ‘quote’, the main focus is reality, but work with me. If different people view the world in different ways, then it is obvious that time, to one, can be a contradiction to another. If this is, and I’m sure it might, then why do we constrict ourselves to one measure? And such an ignorant measure, at that! The sun is used to measure days and thereby hours. But it can never be equal. Imagine the earth is not the only planet in this universe with conscious beings. I doubt the other planets with life move around a star and turn over at the same rate. Does that mean time moves differently for them? Or am I even going too far to say that all other life forms even find it necessary to measure time? Where does this leave knowledge, or the idea of a definite passage of events? Can we say there is such a thing if everything is relative and a contradiction? Multiple perceptions of the passage of time contradict and exclude each other. Perhaps this is to show that the true existence of time outside the mind is nonexistent.
What exists is a process of life, and of living, and experiences that happen during. A process that reduces things to chaos. Entropy. This is not time. Time is not an entity to be measured, or a container of events. Past, Present, and Future I find to be neither nor. The other is the same. Together they are nothing. The past was once the future, and was at a point the present. What is now thought of as the future will be present and past again and what is the present is nonexistent. And yet…
I once heard or read that the sky of night that we look upon is only an image of the actual sky a million years in the past, as it takes a millino years or so for the ligh to reach the earth, or something. And a million years in the future, anything that looks into the sky will see what is happening now. So, what then takes precidence and is therefor the present?
This is discombobulation to the extreme.
I am perplexed by us, as in the human species including me, that we are perpetually seeking order through time, an illusion, a medium of chaos. As I approach 1,1150 words I observe that time, as we govern it, can be thought of as a sort ribbon without beginning or end, continuously existing as idea, but without encomassing any ability to elicit a response in the material universe. In this way, events should take place outside of time, but, because we insist apon it, with the aide of time. I mean, isn’t an event a perception of an effect of a cause? Time is active in shaping our perception of life, and therfor death, which in some ways, is the essence of our world.
Today I am dying…
Time is a disgustingly elusive idea. I tapped into this in another column, and I’ve begun wondering again. There is a picture, here, in my mind, of how it works. The job now is to translate it.
I’ve consulted my magical thesaurus. This wonder of man has below a single entry, in this, Time, the links to all the possible interperitations of the word you could think of. Or in any case, of that Mr. Roget could think.
Time, as a noun, has several synonyms, my favourite of which are quotes from authors and philosphers. "The author of authors" in accordance of Francis Bacon, "a short parenthesis in a long period" in accordance with Donne, and "the soul of the world" according to Pythagoras.
None really suit my needs. Then again, I’m not entirely sure what these supposed ‘needs’ are. (Oh, I’d like to warn those people who’ve not yet read or listened to any of my literature: Due to a very unfortunate wiring of my brain, I’m prone to using language loosely, I like to manipulate words to the point of incoherency. So, I beg that you churn water for a while and go with the flow.)
I think this may be because time, in concept, surpasses my imagination. Like the concept of a boundless universe, and even Parallel existence, alternative universes, infinity; all of these I can fantasize about, but never really understand. Even the idea of the mind, and memory is quite beyond me. But those are for other columns.
Time is the most profound of human perceptions.
I am really a pretentious creature, and want to sound really impressive in my writing, so I researched some theories of time, and find all of them out of sync with mine. They suggest that time is a tangible property of the universe, "Under such a conception, time is scalar ( scalar = weight ) and quite passive. It only supplements the spatial arena, against which the events of the universe are played out. Owing to one scalarity of time, in the equations of theoretical mechanics the future is not separated from the past;" not because I need layman’s terms is it that I don’t understand this explanation, but the general theory that time can be discovered by geometric devices and differentiated from space intervals, and the suggestion that time can be predicted in units, are both beyond the capacity of my ego.
I cannot comprehend time in units: those being seconds and hours and days. Those are all earthly products of mathematics, which is another of those theories I’ve never come to grasp. Time is self imposed. The passage of human perception can’t be sliced into periods. Right?
To encapsulate the idea that the world is how we view it, I borrow another quote: "Reality, like time, is partial to the observer." Myself, I don’t know if this is a word for word review, or how unconventional it is to quote from a movie(In this case, that movie is Contact. Terribly good and boggling). In this ‘quote’, the main focus is reality, but work with me. If different people view the world in different ways, then it is obvious that time, to one, can be a contradiction to another. If this is, and I’m sure it might, then why do we constrict ourselves to one measure? And such an ignorant measure, at that! The sun is used to measure days and thereby hours. But it can never be equal. Imagine the earth is not the only planet in this universe with conscious beings. I doubt the other planets with life move around a star and turn over at the same rate. Does that mean time moves differently for them? Or am I even going too far to say that all other life forms even find it necessary to measure time? Where does this leave knowledge, or the idea of a definite passage of events? Can we say there is such a thing if everything is relative and a contradiction? Multiple perceptions of the passage of time contradict and exclude each other. Perhaps this is to show that the true existence of time outside the mind is nonexistent.
What exists is a process of life, and of living, and experiences that happen during. A process that reduces things to chaos. Entropy. This is not time. Time is not an entity to be measured, or a container of events. Past, Present, and Future I find to be neither nor. The other is the same. Together they are nothing. The past was once the future, and was at a point the present. What is now thought of as the future will be present and past again and what is the present is nonexistent. And yet…
I once heard or read that the sky of night that we look upon is only an image of the actual sky a million years in the past, as it takes a millino years or so for the ligh to reach the earth, or something. And a million years in the future, anything that looks into the sky will see what is happening now. So, what then takes precidence and is therefor the present?
This is discombobulation to the extreme.
I am perplexed by us, as in the human species including me, that we are perpetually seeking order through time, an illusion, a medium of chaos. As I approach 1,1150 words I observe that time, as we govern it, can be thought of as a sort ribbon without beginning or end, continuously existing as idea, but without encomassing any ability to elicit a response in the material universe. In this way, events should take place outside of time, but, because we insist apon it, with the aide of time. I mean, isn’t an event a perception of an effect of a cause? Time is active in shaping our perception of life, and therfor death, which in some ways, is the essence of our world.
Today I am dying…
a place to buy and sell all things homemade!!
a place to buy and sell all things homemade!!
this is a better than ebay i think. which i recently got: ajafrank. haven't started selling yet. I'm not yet sure how to go about shipping and all that fun stuff.
I'm not buying it, but maybe you are? about size 6-8. seller: interrobang.
this is a site to mark.
Name: Aja
Blog name: An Eclectic Left of Center
Finish this sentence: "My Blog is" … about bits of life, fashion, myself. I plan to start doing a ‘what I wore’ thing so I can share my own style. Maybe stop sounding so much like a weird 42yr. Old man.
Finish this sentence: "My own style is" … underdeveloped. I don’t like to wear the same outfit twice, which is hard to do on my budget! I do follow some trends, but there is something always off about me. I like to think I dress unusually with usual items. Must be my demeanor…Also- I can never throw away clothes, so it looks like I have a big wardrobe, but really ahlf the stuff I can’t bring myself to wear. I keep thinking one day I’ll be inspired to rennovate them, or wear them in a new way.
Do you usually change your look (clothes or hairstyle)? I’m forever changing my hair. In fact, I revently cut my hair VERY short, so to make it a little more interesting I’m thinking of doing a bit of old Agyness Deyn with the white-blond cut.
Favourite item in your wardrobe: A scarf from Peru from Father, a scarf from Spain from Mother.
What would you never wear? A waterbra. Oh the horror stories!
Favourite Autumn Winter 2007/2008 Collection: but it is so wearble and most important, versatile.
Favourite Designer: YSL, Dior, and Chanel. Those will remain forever classics. I enjoy watching Betsy Johnson shows though like being on drugs without the drugs.
This season Must-Have Leather: A warm coat!
An accessory you cant live without: A necklace. Most frequently being a plain chain holding my keys. I’m sucha scatterbrain!
A trend to adopt: I personally like to go a day, about once a month, going to school in a very boring, unfashionable outfit. A.K.A. old flare jeans, tshirt that barely hides your midriff, stupid looking hair. Corny as it sounds, it really makes me appreciate people who dress well, including myself!
Do you wear make up everyday? Probably.
What make up product (s) you can't live without? L’Oriel mascara in the gold tube that looks like those children lightsaver swords. I have short eyelashes, and that always works well.
Do you change fragrances regularly? I usually stick to something warm, like vanilla. I love old scents, Lemon Verbosa, grandma-y smells.
Who is your favourite fashion icon? The Olson twins are great. Ava Gardner.
Do you have a favourite Model? Me! Oh yes, I am an aspiring model. I can always appreciate Kate Moss though.
Best Top Model ever: Agyness Deyn probably because I saw picture of her as a younger ‘tween’ and felt hope. She has great style herself..
If you had to choose a year to live, from the last century, what would it be and why? Transition from 50’s to 60’s. I still want to travel to the 20’s and steal a bunch of things from that decade. Brilliant!
Do you have any beauty secrets you want to share? This will sound weird, but cleaning my ears always makes me feel cleaner, fresher, prettier. Looking into someone’s ears and seeing stuff in there is just…. Disgusting.
You never leave home without: forgetting something.
Last fashion purchase: A very very very very soft grey turtle neck.
What music is playing in your Ipod? If I had an Ipod the first thing I would download would be Simon and Garfunkel then everything else.
Favourite restaurant in your city? La Senorita, they have the best salsa for chips, and the atmosphere is authentic.
Favourite foreign city/country? Paris. For the art and the people. Though Dheli /Copenhagen are my first travel destinations.
Hobbies: Mime.
Favourite song: Under The Boardwalk. google the artist, I have dialup internet and I'm tired.
Blog name: An Eclectic Left of Center
Finish this sentence: "My Blog is" … about bits of life, fashion, myself. I plan to start doing a ‘what I wore’ thing so I can share my own style. Maybe stop sounding so much like a weird 42yr. Old man.
Finish this sentence: "My own style is" … underdeveloped. I don’t like to wear the same outfit twice, which is hard to do on my budget! I do follow some trends, but there is something always off about me. I like to think I dress unusually with usual items. Must be my demeanor…Also- I can never throw away clothes, so it looks like I have a big wardrobe, but really ahlf the stuff I can’t bring myself to wear. I keep thinking one day I’ll be inspired to rennovate them, or wear them in a new way.
Do you usually change your look (clothes or hairstyle)? I’m forever changing my hair. In fact, I revently cut my hair VERY short, so to make it a little more interesting I’m thinking of doing a bit of old Agyness Deyn with the white-blond cut.
Favourite item in your wardrobe: A scarf from Peru from Father, a scarf from Spain from Mother.
What would you never wear? A waterbra. Oh the horror stories!
Favourite Autumn Winter 2007/2008 Collection: but it is so wearble and most important, versatile.
Favourite Designer: YSL, Dior, and Chanel. Those will remain forever classics. I enjoy watching Betsy Johnson shows though like being on drugs without the drugs.
This season Must-Have Leather: A warm coat!
An accessory you cant live without: A necklace. Most frequently being a plain chain holding my keys. I’m sucha scatterbrain!
A trend to adopt: I personally like to go a day, about once a month, going to school in a very boring, unfashionable outfit. A.K.A. old flare jeans, tshirt that barely hides your midriff, stupid looking hair. Corny as it sounds, it really makes me appreciate people who dress well, including myself!
Do you wear make up everyday? Probably.
What make up product (s) you can't live without? L’Oriel mascara in the gold tube that looks like those children lightsaver swords. I have short eyelashes, and that always works well.
Do you change fragrances regularly? I usually stick to something warm, like vanilla. I love old scents, Lemon Verbosa, grandma-y smells.
Who is your favourite fashion icon? The Olson twins are great. Ava Gardner.
Do you have a favourite Model? Me! Oh yes, I am an aspiring model. I can always appreciate Kate Moss though.
Best Top Model ever: Agyness Deyn probably because I saw picture of her as a younger ‘tween’ and felt hope. She has great style herself..
If you had to choose a year to live, from the last century, what would it be and why? Transition from 50’s to 60’s. I still want to travel to the 20’s and steal a bunch of things from that decade. Brilliant!
Do you have any beauty secrets you want to share? This will sound weird, but cleaning my ears always makes me feel cleaner, fresher, prettier. Looking into someone’s ears and seeing stuff in there is just…. Disgusting.
You never leave home without: forgetting something.
Last fashion purchase: A very very very very soft grey turtle neck.
What music is playing in your Ipod? If I had an Ipod the first thing I would download would be Simon and Garfunkel then everything else.
Favourite restaurant in your city? La Senorita, they have the best salsa for chips, and the atmosphere is authentic.
Favourite foreign city/country? Paris. For the art and the people. Though Dheli /Copenhagen are my first travel destinations.
Hobbies: Mime.
Favourite song: Under The Boardwalk. google the artist, I have dialup internet and I'm tired.
Listening to Lily Allen as of the moment.
Who, I’d like to say, I discovered much earlier than all the tabs and mediagoers.
One of the only musicians I’ve found that have actually become international famous. The next I expect to make is Those Dancing Days. Er’body loves a little bit of Sweden.
The recent weekend was spent with twenty members from our school’s theatre programme at the International Thespian Society Festival on the State level. Gov. Granholm has made December 1st Thespian day, which really is exciting. At this festival I discovered my love for mime, what I’ve been calling my modern ballet is actually this- a more ambiguous form. So I’ve booked mime school over the summer. My friend, Skylar, mentioned in a previous post about borrrowing from your grandmother, were in both mim eowrkshops (three hours) and find ourselves still sore today. We were pretty ‘badass’ as she kept whispering while we were moving without ambition mindlessly. Visualizing orbs resting on our shoulders, confronting eachothers, taking them. No eye contact. Creating a sculpture with other persons. Michael Lee from Opus Mime was our instructor. Fascinating person. Maybe he’ll let me be understudy or something in his company. To practice mime in the meantime I’ll be moving to sounds of The Knife- great techno. You really must check out.
More news- Mom lost her job so we’re most likely moving sometime- new state- depending on Friend of the Court. I never ever see my Dad anymore anyway so I don’t know what the big deal will be. I miss him a bit but not anything he says or does. Not haivng a dad really is a bummer. Hopefully a friend will just take me in because moving so close to my graduation might turn into a disaster. Unfortunately a loss of job resulted in loss of holiday presents- and grad. Presents, and a loss of car insurance on my tinker toy. So now I can’t get a job because I haven’t got transportation. And I’ll be riding to school with mom so early in the morning because stubborn me I refuse to ride the school bus. It is so unhygienic. I really prefer to smell human rather than like some organism spawned form a cesspool while at school, thankyou very much! How great. Too bad, because I think it was a notebook, which I was lookin forward too. Wireless internet is faster than the dial-up virus ridden computer at home. Maybe now I can see pictures, imagine!!
Great accomplishment really in school recently- the skeleton key has been made a copy of. So now I have access to anyhtin I’d like. Luckily for the system, I don’t really steal. I just love to explore and have adventures with friends.
And always about fashion, I am. I haven’t been to the local Goodwill lately, unfortunately, which is really like agoldmine here. We get leftovers from Target and it’s really quite easy to slip things into an oversized bag. With student discount I add bogus amounts to a wardrobe for bogus amounts of air supply.
My ocusin’s nineteenth birthday is the ninth, and I’m working on thinking of something special for her/us to do.
Also I’ve got to crank out a fabulous sculpture for my art teacher in two days, for an international show, as my clay at home dried up over the weekend, I think I’ll do something abstrat, maybe my ear. Or baby sister’s.
Songs I’m working on for performance as of the moment: Glitter and Be Gay from Candide, and Queen of the Night aria from The Magic Flute. Believe it or not, Glitter is mmuch more difficult than the other. I’ve got a range but my control on slurred runs is something to improve on.
More later perhaps. Free hour second hour = blogging.
Who, I’d like to say, I discovered much earlier than all the tabs and mediagoers.
One of the only musicians I’ve found that have actually become international famous. The next I expect to make is Those Dancing Days. Er’body loves a little bit of Sweden.
The recent weekend was spent with twenty members from our school’s theatre programme at the International Thespian Society Festival on the State level. Gov. Granholm has made December 1st Thespian day, which really is exciting. At this festival I discovered my love for mime, what I’ve been calling my modern ballet is actually this- a more ambiguous form. So I’ve booked mime school over the summer. My friend, Skylar, mentioned in a previous post about borrrowing from your grandmother, were in both mim eowrkshops (three hours) and find ourselves still sore today. We were pretty ‘badass’ as she kept whispering while we were moving without ambition mindlessly. Visualizing orbs resting on our shoulders, confronting eachothers, taking them. No eye contact. Creating a sculpture with other persons. Michael Lee from Opus Mime was our instructor. Fascinating person. Maybe he’ll let me be understudy or something in his company. To practice mime in the meantime I’ll be moving to sounds of The Knife- great techno. You really must check out.
More news- Mom lost her job so we’re most likely moving sometime- new state- depending on Friend of the Court. I never ever see my Dad anymore anyway so I don’t know what the big deal will be. I miss him a bit but not anything he says or does. Not haivng a dad really is a bummer. Hopefully a friend will just take me in because moving so close to my graduation might turn into a disaster. Unfortunately a loss of job resulted in loss of holiday presents- and grad. Presents, and a loss of car insurance on my tinker toy. So now I can’t get a job because I haven’t got transportation. And I’ll be riding to school with mom so early in the morning because stubborn me I refuse to ride the school bus. It is so unhygienic. I really prefer to smell human rather than like some organism spawned form a cesspool while at school, thankyou very much! How great. Too bad, because I think it was a notebook, which I was lookin forward too. Wireless internet is faster than the dial-up virus ridden computer at home. Maybe now I can see pictures, imagine!!
Great accomplishment really in school recently- the skeleton key has been made a copy of. So now I have access to anyhtin I’d like. Luckily for the system, I don’t really steal. I just love to explore and have adventures with friends.
And always about fashion, I am. I haven’t been to the local Goodwill lately, unfortunately, which is really like agoldmine here. We get leftovers from Target and it’s really quite easy to slip things into an oversized bag. With student discount I add bogus amounts to a wardrobe for bogus amounts of air supply.
My ocusin’s nineteenth birthday is the ninth, and I’m working on thinking of something special for her/us to do.
Also I’ve got to crank out a fabulous sculpture for my art teacher in two days, for an international show, as my clay at home dried up over the weekend, I think I’ll do something abstrat, maybe my ear. Or baby sister’s.
Songs I’m working on for performance as of the moment: Glitter and Be Gay from Candide, and Queen of the Night aria from The Magic Flute. Believe it or not, Glitter is mmuch more difficult than the other. I’ve got a range but my control on slurred runs is something to improve on.
More later perhaps. Free hour second hour = blogging.
I’d like to introduce you to someone. She is a friend of Barbie, one of the privileged elite, perhaps. She’s got the coolest clothes and the hippest hair. And a big rolling plastic contraption all the little girls are begging their mothers’ for, “Please Mommy, may I have one too?”
And what can a parent say to those big puppy eyes and quivering lips. They remember what happened last time they said no to that face: it cried every night for a week until you bought it that hamster. Stupid thing smelled terrible too, but it was two weeks’ worth of happiness; after that it was your pet and, no offense to rodents, a waste of money. Who in God’s name thought of having a member of the rat family as a house pet?
But this wasn’t remotely like a hamster. This was a wheelchair, with sparkling rims like fountain water in the sun. Treated like an accessory. How do you explain she can’t get one of these?
“No, honey. Those are for people who can’t walk.” Oh dear, better not say that or else you’ll be dragging her along the floor. How about, “Darling, those aren’t for little girls like you. Those are for special little girls.” Uh-oh. Anything but that. Might try a lie, “Sweetie, those are for little girls who don’t mind their parents. Only bad girls get those so they can never jump or skip or play ever again.” Hey, dishonesty isn’t a sin or anything like that, right? Lying to your child wouldn’t be endorsing it, would it? Just hope she never meets a handicapped person. That would be an awkward Parent-Teacher Conference.
So, what’s up with this Becky doll? Wait, did I forget the most interesting thing, shame on me. Becky isn’t really her name, it’s actually Share-A-Smile Becky. Apparently she needs a whole sentence before her name to fit in.
It wasn’t always like that though. She had to have her name changed to Share-A-Smile Becky because before, when her name was just Wheelchair Becky. No kidding. This chick needed a title before her name to announce to the world- I’m not normal! What’s next? Black Bobby and Chinese Charlie? Let’s hope not.
Anyway, the point is, we can only assume, that the kids at school ostracized her. Is Mattel serious? This doll was supposedly meant to teach children tolerance of the disabled, but this just sounds like straight up name calling to me. I mean, if this is the approach you’re going to use, why don’t you go all out, stop this beating around the bush, just name her Please Treat-Me-Like-An-Equal Becky? Shed all ambiguity right then and there with the first glance towards the shelf.
However, that was before she ditched the flannel jacket and customized her wheelchair. Since the name change, Share-A-Smile Becky has joined some extra-curricular activities to aide her in the social realm, she took up photography and joined the Journalism Club at school. Share-A-Smile Becky can’t ride horses, so she takes pictures of the equestrian team instead. Another good lesson for children, it’s good to dream.
I also find it interesting that, feminists take note, the disabled Share-A-Smile Becky wears comfortable clothes: pants with elastic waists, sensible shoes, and roomy shirts. She is also one of the few dolls with flat feet and legs that bend at the knee. Share-A-Smile Becky is dressed and poised for agency, achievement, and creative endeavors in the world. In contrast, the prototypical uninhibited Barbie carries out excessive femininity in her restrictive sequined gowns, crowns, and push-up bras. So while Share-A-Smile Becky implies, on one hand, that handicapped girls are purged from the feminine economy, on the other hand, she also implies that disabled girls might be freed from the expectations induced by their gender. The paradox of Barbie and Share-A-Smile Becky, of course, is that the ultra-feminized Barbie is a shoe-in for misappropriation by men and beauty practices while Share-A-Smile Becky escapes this sexual objectification at the would-be price of her identity and power as a feminine being.
What’s it like for Share-A-Smile Becky when she isn’t being subject to prejudice and social limitations, that is, how’re things on the homestead? Judging by the looks of Share-A-Smile Becky’s fabulously decorated wheelchair, it’s plausible to think that her family is well off. Let’s assume she lives in the Barbie Dream Mansion. To the delight of your daughter, this can be hers for only $100 of your paycheck. But alas, Share-A-Smile Becky’s wheelchair will not fit! It cannot even be squeezed into the elevator. Sorry to those of you dedicated parents who bought that house. It’s not going to work, couldn’t you spare some change to buy one of those model camping tents? I bet it would fit fine in there.
One distressed consumer, a twelve year-old with Cerebral Palsy, informed Mattel that the wheelchair made the house and things inside utterly inaccessible to poor Share-A-Smile Becky, and the Company has graciously changed the house to accommodate the wheelchair. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that they were willing to do that, but I don’t think it should be forgotten that they designed the chair without consideration to this in the first place! How is this reinforcing the idea that disabled people are equals? Especially considering how much money parents have to shell out to get yet another Barbie house- now they have to buy a new one for the doll?
Expanding on that problem, another thing I don’t understand is the wheelchair itself. Why didn’t Mattel look upon this as an opportunity to modify the wheelchair to fit the house? From the looks of the pictures, Becky has about an inch of extra space. This really becomes a source of concern to Activists for the Disabled as the wheelchair in itself does not include a seat belt! When the carpet isn’t totally level, Share-A-Smile Becky gets jostled and, in extreme situations, even gets thrown from the wheelchair. Maybe they could have sold replacement wheelchairs with ramps to replace the stairs on the porch and entry stairs.
Maybe I’m analyzing this too much, I mean, she’s only a doll right?
I suppose I’ll end my little rant now with a bit of irony.
If you were to get a hand on the box for this advocate doll, you’d notice that on the back of the box there is a picture of Becky with pals Barbie and Christine. Becky sits betweenthe two glamazons in her wheelchair, while they stand beside her.l
Excuse me, but everyone knows that Barbie, Christine, and all the other Barbie Dolls, can't stand up. Not a single Barbie doll has the capacity to stand on her own. The all have tiny little feet upon which balance is impossible. In reality, Barbie and Christie would be on the ground, face down, while Becky smiles on.
And what can a parent say to those big puppy eyes and quivering lips. They remember what happened last time they said no to that face: it cried every night for a week until you bought it that hamster. Stupid thing smelled terrible too, but it was two weeks’ worth of happiness; after that it was your pet and, no offense to rodents, a waste of money. Who in God’s name thought of having a member of the rat family as a house pet?
But this wasn’t remotely like a hamster. This was a wheelchair, with sparkling rims like fountain water in the sun. Treated like an accessory. How do you explain she can’t get one of these?
“No, honey. Those are for people who can’t walk.” Oh dear, better not say that or else you’ll be dragging her along the floor. How about, “Darling, those aren’t for little girls like you. Those are for special little girls.” Uh-oh. Anything but that. Might try a lie, “Sweetie, those are for little girls who don’t mind their parents. Only bad girls get those so they can never jump or skip or play ever again.” Hey, dishonesty isn’t a sin or anything like that, right? Lying to your child wouldn’t be endorsing it, would it? Just hope she never meets a handicapped person. That would be an awkward Parent-Teacher Conference.
So, what’s up with this Becky doll? Wait, did I forget the most interesting thing, shame on me. Becky isn’t really her name, it’s actually Share-A-Smile Becky. Apparently she needs a whole sentence before her name to fit in.
It wasn’t always like that though. She had to have her name changed to Share-A-Smile Becky because before, when her name was just Wheelchair Becky. No kidding. This chick needed a title before her name to announce to the world- I’m not normal! What’s next? Black Bobby and Chinese Charlie? Let’s hope not.
Anyway, the point is, we can only assume, that the kids at school ostracized her. Is Mattel serious? This doll was supposedly meant to teach children tolerance of the disabled, but this just sounds like straight up name calling to me. I mean, if this is the approach you’re going to use, why don’t you go all out, stop this beating around the bush, just name her Please Treat-Me-Like-An-Equal Becky? Shed all ambiguity right then and there with the first glance towards the shelf.
However, that was before she ditched the flannel jacket and customized her wheelchair. Since the name change, Share-A-Smile Becky has joined some extra-curricular activities to aide her in the social realm, she took up photography and joined the Journalism Club at school. Share-A-Smile Becky can’t ride horses, so she takes pictures of the equestrian team instead. Another good lesson for children, it’s good to dream.
I also find it interesting that, feminists take note, the disabled Share-A-Smile Becky wears comfortable clothes: pants with elastic waists, sensible shoes, and roomy shirts. She is also one of the few dolls with flat feet and legs that bend at the knee. Share-A-Smile Becky is dressed and poised for agency, achievement, and creative endeavors in the world. In contrast, the prototypical uninhibited Barbie carries out excessive femininity in her restrictive sequined gowns, crowns, and push-up bras. So while Share-A-Smile Becky implies, on one hand, that handicapped girls are purged from the feminine economy, on the other hand, she also implies that disabled girls might be freed from the expectations induced by their gender. The paradox of Barbie and Share-A-Smile Becky, of course, is that the ultra-feminized Barbie is a shoe-in for misappropriation by men and beauty practices while Share-A-Smile Becky escapes this sexual objectification at the would-be price of her identity and power as a feminine being.
What’s it like for Share-A-Smile Becky when she isn’t being subject to prejudice and social limitations, that is, how’re things on the homestead? Judging by the looks of Share-A-Smile Becky’s fabulously decorated wheelchair, it’s plausible to think that her family is well off. Let’s assume she lives in the Barbie Dream Mansion. To the delight of your daughter, this can be hers for only $100 of your paycheck. But alas, Share-A-Smile Becky’s wheelchair will not fit! It cannot even be squeezed into the elevator. Sorry to those of you dedicated parents who bought that house. It’s not going to work, couldn’t you spare some change to buy one of those model camping tents? I bet it would fit fine in there.
One distressed consumer, a twelve year-old with Cerebral Palsy, informed Mattel that the wheelchair made the house and things inside utterly inaccessible to poor Share-A-Smile Becky, and the Company has graciously changed the house to accommodate the wheelchair. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that they were willing to do that, but I don’t think it should be forgotten that they designed the chair without consideration to this in the first place! How is this reinforcing the idea that disabled people are equals? Especially considering how much money parents have to shell out to get yet another Barbie house- now they have to buy a new one for the doll?
Expanding on that problem, another thing I don’t understand is the wheelchair itself. Why didn’t Mattel look upon this as an opportunity to modify the wheelchair to fit the house? From the looks of the pictures, Becky has about an inch of extra space. This really becomes a source of concern to Activists for the Disabled as the wheelchair in itself does not include a seat belt! When the carpet isn’t totally level, Share-A-Smile Becky gets jostled and, in extreme situations, even gets thrown from the wheelchair. Maybe they could have sold replacement wheelchairs with ramps to replace the stairs on the porch and entry stairs.
Maybe I’m analyzing this too much, I mean, she’s only a doll right?
I suppose I’ll end my little rant now with a bit of irony.
If you were to get a hand on the box for this advocate doll, you’d notice that on the back of the box there is a picture of Becky with pals Barbie and Christine. Becky sits betweenthe two glamazons in her wheelchair, while they stand beside her.l
Excuse me, but everyone knows that Barbie, Christine, and all the other Barbie Dolls, can't stand up. Not a single Barbie doll has the capacity to stand on her own. The all have tiny little feet upon which balance is impossible. In reality, Barbie and Christie would be on the ground, face down, while Becky smiles on.
For My A.P. Composition class i am to undertake the reading of a biography of Anne Sexton- personne fameux je choisi- and undergo an interview of sorts, impersonating this gal.
Agh the life. Alas, I am very hungry and hurt.
My best friend of two years, one i was "there for" when she thought she was pregnant and had noone else to go to, it was me, mais oui, moi, who listened to her cry about her families problems. And who does she claim to hate. Mais oui, c'est vrai, MOI!
Et pour quoi? I confronted her about talkign behind my back and i called her a bitch for it and told her not to do it again.
So now three years is garbage. Merci, Amber. May your life continue to be unfufilling, purposeless, and generally negative.
I am done with you. If you can do that to me in a milisecond i'm afraid to try to reinstate our friendship... so i wont be taking that chance. Even when you find out I'm the only one who ever put up with your bullshit. Tell me you can't be friends with me because I told you when you were being a bitch. How many times have you called me a bitch! Is this a one-way street and I am missing road signs. Signal. Ahhh.
I did not mean for this to be a rant... but erasing wouldn't be any good now.
Agh the life. Alas, I am very hungry and hurt.
My best friend of two years, one i was "there for" when she thought she was pregnant and had noone else to go to, it was me, mais oui, moi, who listened to her cry about her families problems. And who does she claim to hate. Mais oui, c'est vrai, MOI!
Et pour quoi? I confronted her about talkign behind my back and i called her a bitch for it and told her not to do it again.
So now three years is garbage. Merci, Amber. May your life continue to be unfufilling, purposeless, and generally negative.
I am done with you. If you can do that to me in a milisecond i'm afraid to try to reinstate our friendship... so i wont be taking that chance. Even when you find out I'm the only one who ever put up with your bullshit. Tell me you can't be friends with me because I told you when you were being a bitch. How many times have you called me a bitch! Is this a one-way street and I am missing road signs. Signal. Ahhh.
I did not mean for this to be a rant... but erasing wouldn't be any good now.
can you spot the difference between these four models?! and just for kicks, imagine lily cole's face with straight blonde hair and maybe she'd be one of the clone's as well. . as long as they're skinny and pretty i'm okay though. hahah
I am convinced she has asome kind of death wish.
yes, i know. disgusting.
yes, i know. disgusting.
Also, I am convinced that if this woman can be model for Anna Sui, I should be. What is the purpose of this face look?
I felt the urg to bitch- I watched reruns yesterday of ANTM, where Jaslene and Natasha are in final two.
Open Casting Call, Big Rapids High School, Wednesday October 10th 3:15-6:15.
WHOA. Okay, so, I rarely watch the show, and when I do, I'm usually appalled. And the idea of being scrutinized by teenagers and most likely, some forty year-old men, the penis's of whom never got over the sweet and supple adolescant body. Hooray for 'To Catch A Predator.' Haha.
ANYHOW. I'm going to these calls anyway, because as nobody knows, it is my absolute dream of dreams to be a model.
I don't know if this would do anything for me, but if they give me a diet and a workout plan, I'll take it. Until New York and the lower class and days of bread and water, me from the library, filling out the sheet from the big office.
in other ideas, homecoming was a blast, because I had someone to dance with for every slow song, even thoguh I had no date, and danced slowly twice with the cutest Steven Balkema. Do you know him?
::I think you dress unique::
::What makes you dress like that?::
-the boy sitting next to me.
lost the homecoming game last night, no surprise.
homecoming dance is tonight and with such a vundervul red flapper dress what could go wrong? to psych myself up i went thrifting and landed proenza schouler skinny jeans, the are khaki with black threads down the center, $3.29, size 3! i'm getting skinnier. seriously i used to be size 7! so hooray for me. anyhow also got the libertine for target black dress with lace collar, $1.99, a mossimo or however you spell it grey sweater dress i've been craving, finally found, the scarf, sheer black with lines tights, love, purple sheer tights as well, white sweater, seriosuly soooo soft ont he inside, and last but not least an interesting old man looking cardigan which i am in loooove with.
anyhow, back to that dance and that dress and my red pumps. i don't know why i'm nervous, that boy from A.P. Composition has been looking lately, and walks across the room to get my things. hmmmm... wondre if he'll ask me to dance? we'll see.
i've got to go to my grandmother's for more thriftness. later later love. will post pictures eventually...
homecoming dance is tonight and with such a vundervul red flapper dress what could go wrong? to psych myself up i went thrifting and landed proenza schouler skinny jeans, the are khaki with black threads down the center, $3.29, size 3! i'm getting skinnier. seriously i used to be size 7! so hooray for me. anyhow also got the libertine for target black dress with lace collar, $1.99, a mossimo or however you spell it grey sweater dress i've been craving, finally found, the scarf, sheer black with lines tights, love, purple sheer tights as well, white sweater, seriosuly soooo soft ont he inside, and last but not least an interesting old man looking cardigan which i am in loooove with.
anyhow, back to that dance and that dress and my red pumps. i don't know why i'm nervous, that boy from A.P. Composition has been looking lately, and walks across the room to get my things. hmmmm... wondre if he'll ask me to dance? we'll see.
i've got to go to my grandmother's for more thriftness. later later love. will post pictures eventually...

these would be perfect for lounging around the studio. fantastic colour.

absolutely adorable. love love love. i'm seeing this worn with a really strange texture plain spaghetti strap shirt, tucked in. strappy sandals.

seeing this with contrasting colour leggings, yah? ankle boots preferred.

i'm simply wearing this with absolutely everything until the elbows are worn into something the same thickness as tissuepaper. by the way, who else is absolutely loathing lotion kleenex? you might as well spray cooking oil on your face.
much of this i have.
so many nice things have occured to day.
1. ege finally emailed me back, and has informed me he misses me, especially my sl=pleen.[yes, weird boy]
2. i am ITS state board choreographer.
3. i have brainstormed an idea for my column due in a week .
it is 1:00 a.m. and i'm not a wee bit tired.
so many nice things have occured to day.
1. ege finally emailed me back, and has informed me he misses me, especially my sl=pleen.[yes, weird boy]
2. i am ITS state board choreographer.
3. i have brainstormed an idea for my column due in a week .
it is 1:00 a.m. and i'm not a wee bit tired.
Designer <3
Darling darling structure, darling darling colour schemes.
Okay so.. to day was succesful, up until now. You see, I've forgotten a list of vocabulary I've got a quiz on second period in my locker, so I'll be studying that during first. Also, I'm too tired to actually write an essay I've got to do for A.P. Comp., but that's my fifth period so I can cram it in pretty efficiently during lunch. Besides, I'll be needing hel on that, as I've no clue what it's about anyway. Speaking of APC, turned in the two drawings and recieved envy and other positive responses. Nothing like showing-off how fantastic you are when it comes to art with a room full of totally unartistic people for an ego boost.
Anyway, back to designers I've
recently discovered and would die for. Jojovich has got this absolutely stunning little dress I need.
Though I do think it would be better in black- change the lilac to creme. Like antique lace or something. How nice.
The website isn't cooperating for my compupter, but maybe it will work for yours:jovovich-hawk
There is another dress I didn't include. But picture a light yellow number, high collar from bottom of the neck down to the knees, lampshade skirt looking pleats. amazing.
Darling darling structure, darling darling colour schemes.
Okay so.. to day was succesful, up until now. You see, I've forgotten a list of vocabulary I've got a quiz on second period in my locker, so I'll be studying that during first. Also, I'm too tired to actually write an essay I've got to do for A.P. Comp., but that's my fifth period so I can cram it in pretty efficiently during lunch. Besides, I'll be needing hel on that, as I've no clue what it's about anyway. Speaking of APC, turned in the two drawings and recieved envy and other positive responses. Nothing like showing-off how fantastic you are when it comes to art with a room full of totally unartistic people for an ego boost.
Anyway, back to designers I've

Though I do think it would be better in black- change the lilac to creme. Like antique lace or something. How nice.
The website isn't cooperating for my compupter, but maybe it will work for yours:jovovich-hawk
There is another dress I didn't include. But picture a light yellow number, high collar from bottom of the neck down to the knees, lampshade skirt looking pleats. amazing.
label love:
designer admiration,
hypothetical purchases
Read Gossip Girl?
Well, I've got this row of the series, and a sunday night with nothing better to read, swathed Nothing Can Keep Us Together. Which reads like a fantastic blog like the ones I pereuse here.
Very nice, very nice.
I want to be the point of the "being jealous of anyone that impossibly tall, curvy, and gorgeous would be a total waste of time."
I am tall, not curvy, and only gorgeous 1/3 of the time, if I even dare.
I seriously cannot wait for my hair to grow out. Looking forward to a bob, let's give it for February.
At 11:32 with nothing to do, I'm considering rearrangining my wardrobe, i've got no real input for the blog, and internet is too slow to keep browsing these fantastic blogs.
Check daddylikey and painfullyhip. very very nice nice.
Should I go dark-light or rainbow style? wait, which comes first: black, red, green, white, or purple? and after that...
Oh, and for school to morrow.
How to spice up a simple white dress?
Well, I've got this row of the series, and a sunday night with nothing better to read, swathed Nothing Can Keep Us Together. Which reads like a fantastic blog like the ones I pereuse here.
Very nice, very nice.
I want to be the point of the "being jealous of anyone that impossibly tall, curvy, and gorgeous would be a total waste of time."
I am tall, not curvy, and only gorgeous 1/3 of the time, if I even dare.
I seriously cannot wait for my hair to grow out. Looking forward to a bob, let's give it for February.
At 11:32 with nothing to do, I'm considering rearrangining my wardrobe, i've got no real input for the blog, and internet is too slow to keep browsing these fantastic blogs.
Check daddylikey and painfullyhip. very very nice nice.
Should I go dark-light or rainbow style? wait, which comes first: black, red, green, white, or purple? and after that...
Oh, and for school to morrow.
How to spice up a simple white dress?
So, what have I got. No camera, bloody eyes, and a missing book.
I need me some elliot smith soon before i tear out my hair. keep thinking things i don't want to think about. something's upset me.
I called my Da and listened[halfish] to his gospel abou living in the truth and implying with every syllable I should move out of le maison de ma mere and live with him. not happening.
unfortunately the school in that area is completely beneath me, to be honest. no A.P. courses available, tiny band, no drama programme, et cetera.
mon frere est tres malheure. i tried to get him to come with me to ma Da's but to nothing. He punched my arm while I was driving nearly eighty on the highway. My left arm and neck is quite bruised and swollen. i don't believe in violence, so i just kind of took it.
I don't know what I did. he just blew.
I'll give him a while. i just took him home and then went to my room to read. he's saying i shouldn't have tried to take him to Da's, and wont apologize, even with my Mother begging him to. I don't really mind. he'll be okay soon. I just hope I don't get in his way next time he is in that sort of mood again.
Mascara and salt water totally ruined to grey shirt i was wearing though. I'll have to geta new one. Or just wear it with dark greey splotches like that is how I bought it.
check out: &&&&&&&
very nice commentary. and great candid photos.
listen: Gravy Train; Nervous. Interesting hhaha.
I need me some elliot smith soon before i tear out my hair. keep thinking things i don't want to think about. something's upset me.
I called my Da and listened[halfish] to his gospel abou living in the truth and implying with every syllable I should move out of le maison de ma mere and live with him. not happening.
unfortunately the school in that area is completely beneath me, to be honest. no A.P. courses available, tiny band, no drama programme, et cetera.
mon frere est tres malheure. i tried to get him to come with me to ma Da's but to nothing. He punched my arm while I was driving nearly eighty on the highway. My left arm and neck is quite bruised and swollen. i don't believe in violence, so i just kind of took it.
I don't know what I did. he just blew.
I'll give him a while. i just took him home and then went to my room to read. he's saying i shouldn't have tried to take him to Da's, and wont apologize, even with my Mother begging him to. I don't really mind. he'll be okay soon. I just hope I don't get in his way next time he is in that sort of mood again.
Mascara and salt water totally ruined to grey shirt i was wearing though. I'll have to geta new one. Or just wear it with dark greey splotches like that is how I bought it.
check out: &&&&&&&
very nice commentary. and great candid photos.
listen: Gravy Train; Nervous. Interesting hhaha.
Going to my Da's to day. I want Xavier, the brother to come, but he does not want to, so I am basically kidnapping him. I've got changes of clothes for him in the car. I'm going to say I'm just going home, but we'll get on the highway instead and for an hour he'll be very upset. Then when we get there he will be happy I forced him to come.
Went costume shopping to day with The Director of the Musicale, to no one's luck. I'll be needing a wig this year, didn't find any good ones there. And the costume store in GR was terrifyingly stark.
Okay, well, I'll be off now.
Sometime I'm going to post the assignment I got great compliments on. It's not too long, and i do believe it's very good.
For now.
Went costume shopping to day with The Director of the Musicale, to no one's luck. I'll be needing a wig this year, didn't find any good ones there. And the costume store in GR was terrifyingly stark.
Okay, well, I'll be off now.
Sometime I'm going to post the assignment I got great compliments on. It's not too long, and i do believe it's very good.
For now.
A raging succes to dday, in general.
20/20 on A.P. Bio test, top compliments in A.P. Comp from prof and class in general, extremely fun game of Freeze[will explain], not so great marching, but the team won after a quadrouple overtime. I didn't know those existed. Mother came during school, took my car and filled the tank. Came home to find a box of no-fat cookies. Sang on a bus with a former crush with whom I am now extremely close friends.
The only undesirable event occuring would be my msn not staying connected right now.
Bjork's Pluto is raping my ears and I enjoy it. To day was a succesful day in fashion" silver leggings from UOs, white undershirt from AE, lace print baby top from Charlotte Russe, black and white keds, giant silver statement necklace.
Okay, so what's Freeze? It's a fantastically fun game of Improvisations. basically a group of ten or more will sit in a circle, while two are in the center. They are arranged into strange positions and then are told GO! They start acting and blah blah. At any time a person sitting may call FREEZE! and replace one of the actors. From there they can change the story entirely. If you have enough enthoustiastic people playing, this game may go on for literally hours.
have you ever seen Who's Line Is It Anyway?[great show, by the way] I'd say it's like the games they play. Ryan Stiles owns my heart. <333
Seen the musical ONCE APON A MATTRESS? It's this years fall musicale, and I'm sure to get a lead as it's my senior year, and well, I'm great. unfortunately I have big competition who happens to be a major kiss-ass. So we'll find out how that goes. Auditions are next week. Phhiiishhh.
Ah gah, i just remembered I've left my journal in my school locker for the weekend. Gahhh I hate when this happens.
20/20 on A.P. Bio test, top compliments in A.P. Comp from prof and class in general, extremely fun game of Freeze[will explain], not so great marching, but the team won after a quadrouple overtime. I didn't know those existed. Mother came during school, took my car and filled the tank. Came home to find a box of no-fat cookies. Sang on a bus with a former crush with whom I am now extremely close friends.
The only undesirable event occuring would be my msn not staying connected right now.
Bjork's Pluto is raping my ears and I enjoy it. To day was a succesful day in fashion" silver leggings from UOs, white undershirt from AE, lace print baby top from Charlotte Russe, black and white keds, giant silver statement necklace.
Okay, so what's Freeze? It's a fantastically fun game of Improvisations. basically a group of ten or more will sit in a circle, while two are in the center. They are arranged into strange positions and then are told GO! They start acting and blah blah. At any time a person sitting may call FREEZE! and replace one of the actors. From there they can change the story entirely. If you have enough enthoustiastic people playing, this game may go on for literally hours.
have you ever seen Who's Line Is It Anyway?[great show, by the way] I'd say it's like the games they play. Ryan Stiles owns my heart. <333
Seen the musical ONCE APON A MATTRESS? It's this years fall musicale, and I'm sure to get a lead as it's my senior year, and well, I'm great. unfortunately I have big competition who happens to be a major kiss-ass. So we'll find out how that goes. Auditions are next week. Phhiiishhh.
Ah gah, i just remembered I've left my journal in my school locker for the weekend. Gahhh I hate when this happens.
So, great news!
Firstly, and the most exciting, is that I have been enrolled in the Airline Acadamy!
Secondly, school has started and got off to a semi-enjoyable start.

Thirdly, word has it, in my first year of earnings with a company, I will make around 25,000. Which means if I don't eat much and don't use a tele- or atleast, not one I have to pay for- I can get a studio apartment in the Upper East Side or in Soho 3 months after my eighteenth birthday. Five years of that and I can eat again. hooray. I could definitely live here. Or there, for that matter.
So, that is the dream for now.
So it looks like all the worrying about colleges and stuff was all for nothing. My idealistic future has been set in motion already, and it's a wish come true. Well, almost. I'm sort of in shock.
I'm going to post a neat web site on here, otherwise I will forget it. very very handy. Another plus, living here would mean I have a limited food supply, and being myself, I only eat healthy food becasue grease literally makes me vomit, along with walking long distances for items and passing the time, I should be in model shape by the end of the first year. Which, let me tell you, is the ulterior motive to setting myself up in new york. Lucky enough for a street casting?? <333>

Also, I found a picture of ma self in passing. Feeling faint, by the looks of it. Not very good, I think.
Firstly, and the most exciting, is that I have been enrolled in the Airline Acadamy!
Secondly, school has started and got off to a semi-enjoyable start.
Thirdly, word has it, in my first year of earnings with a company, I will make around 25,000. Which means if I don't eat much and don't use a tele- or atleast, not one I have to pay for- I can get a studio apartment in the Upper East Side or in Soho 3 months after my eighteenth birthday. Five years of that and I can eat again. hooray. I could definitely live here. Or there, for that matter.
So, that is the dream for now.
So it looks like all the worrying about colleges and stuff was all for nothing. My idealistic future has been set in motion already, and it's a wish come true. Well, almost. I'm sort of in shock.
I'm going to post a neat web site on here, otherwise I will forget it. very very handy. Another plus, living here would mean I have a limited food supply, and being myself, I only eat healthy food becasue grease literally makes me vomit, along with walking long distances for items and passing the time, I should be in model shape by the end of the first year. Which, let me tell you, is the ulterior motive to setting myself up in new york. Lucky enough for a street casting?? <333>

Also, I found a picture of ma self in passing. Feeling faint, by the looks of it. Not very good, I think.

She has a tummy ache I think, because she cries even when she is feeding.
She is growing quite a lot, her head is significantly bigger. She looks like Grace Kelly.
Besides that To day was interesting. Currently I am watching "The Election," which I am enjoying immensly.
School will start infive days and I do not care. This year I will only do all my work to get A's in every class and hopefully go to Sarah Lawrence, or Pratt, or Richmond. Or none of those. Whatever. I have a great wardrobe, so now I will not be so timid. Money from the government is nice. P.S. vote Barack, if you have a brain.
I have suscribed to this site and need pictures of myself. I have no camera unfortunately. I will need to get some soon. I am 5'8", I wiegh 120 lbs. I believe I have a nice face. Unique looking, I am told. My eyes are fairly wide apart and green. Perhaps when I have pictures I will show.
Hallo! Guess, what I am going shopping today!
Armed with eighty dollars and a town full of thrift stores I should be as lucky to find something worthy of my body.
a simple white dress.
cute skinny jeans[i need some more]
lovely cardigan(s)
ballet flats
scarf or belt
the rest of the money goes to the goodies, underclothes, et cetera.
An interesting thing last night, a blood moon. Very beautiful. Took pictures, great silhouette shot. Another thing last night, the start of my new diet. Basically all fruit, and the only oils allowed being that of the olive. The only meat-esque thing being fish and bean burgers, which are delish. I will blog everyday[hopefully] to make sure I stick. I have problems sticking with these wonderful diets I make up. Right now I'm in shape, I suppose, but as i'll be going to New York ina year and I'm hoping to get in some casting places, to make up for my diminuitive figure[only 5'8" folks] I need to be in tiptop form. Not a long way to go.
<3<3 Confessions of A Casting Director and An Alien in New York <3<3
Armed with eighty dollars and a town full of thrift stores I should be as lucky to find something worthy of my body.
a simple white dress.
cute skinny jeans[i need some more]
lovely cardigan(s)
ballet flats
scarf or belt
the rest of the money goes to the goodies, underclothes, et cetera.
An interesting thing last night, a blood moon. Very beautiful. Took pictures, great silhouette shot. Another thing last night, the start of my new diet. Basically all fruit, and the only oils allowed being that of the olive. The only meat-esque thing being fish and bean burgers, which are delish. I will blog everyday[hopefully] to make sure I stick. I have problems sticking with these wonderful diets I make up. Right now I'm in shape, I suppose, but as i'll be going to New York ina year and I'm hoping to get in some casting places, to make up for my diminuitive figure[only 5'8" folks] I need to be in tiptop form. Not a long way to go.
<3<3 Confessions of A Casting Director and An Alien in New York <3<3
Sorry about the double post today, but this didn't seem to fit with the introduction.
I'd like to share some magic with youall: shop at your granmothers.
Chances are they'll let you take anything that catches your eye, because, welll, she's your grandma! And she doesn't wear that stuff anymore anyway..
It's like your own personal thrift shop, but everything is better than cheap, and you don't have to go through as much dirty post-80's garbage[that'd be nineties, and the now. I'm sorry.]
I've inherited some fabulous printed tights, great blouses, and loads of jewelry. But, maybe I am just lucky. My granmother in question owns and manages a thrift shop downtown. I only have to pick what I like and bag it. But, to prove I'm not the only one, a friend of mine sits among her discoveries. [my internet connection is slow right now, please the link.]
And, a word to the wise, don't ever let your friends borrow, or give them your stuff, or the stuff that should be yours. in my experience they turn out not to be your friends, and now you're regrettting letting them have all that stuff. Catty bitches.
If you haven't gone already, I suggest you book it. Think how sorry you'll be when you inquire about a cousin's cute little clutch at the next fam. reunion and she tells you "Our Grandma gave it to me..."
In extension.. not only may you find fabulous vintage accessories, you mihgt find some great books and postcards, old letters, etc. If you think of yourself as one of those intelligentle, you might be surprised. The rest of your family is perhaps not all as stupid as you thought.
Sorry about the double post today, but this didn't seem to fit with the introduction.
I'd like to share some magic with youall: shop at your granmothers.
Chances are they'll let you take anything that catches your eye, because, welll, she's your grandma! And she doesn't wear that stuff anymore anyway..
It's like your own personal thrift shop, but everything is better than cheap, and you don't have to go through as much dirty post-80's garbage[that'd be nineties, and the now. I'm sorry.]
I've inherited some fabulous printed tights, great blouses, and loads of jewelry. But, maybe I am just lucky. My granmother in question owns and manages a thrift shop downtown. I only have to pick what I like and bag it. But, to prove I'm not the only one, a friend of mine sits among her discoveries. [my internet connection is slow right now, please the link.]
And, a word to the wise, don't ever let your friends borrow, or give them your stuff, or the stuff that should be yours. in my experience they turn out not to be your friends, and now you're regrettting letting them have all that stuff. Catty bitches.
If you haven't gone already, I suggest you book it. Think how sorry you'll be when you inquire about a cousin's cute little clutch at the next fam. reunion and she tells you "Our Grandma gave it to me..."
In extension.. not only may you find fabulous vintage accessories, you mihgt find some great books and postcards, old letters, etc. If you think of yourself as one of those intelligentle, you might be surprised. The rest of your family is perhaps not all as stupid as you thought.
Have you yet noticed, this is my first post?
Yes, myspace has lost it's touch[after four years, the gilt shine has definitely rubbed off, now the grey plastic is apparent.] I joined myspace my freshman year of highschool, after the prompting of my friends. I admit to giving in to this sort of peer pressure. Anyway-Four hundred friends later, a zillion bulletins flaunting friend requests strong, I am officially worn out.
And even though I am sick, I cannot delete it. I will save it and return once everysooften to check up on the bands I've come to love.
So, in search of something less drama-provokactive, and a sight more anonymous, I have come to blogspot. After browsing several fashion blogs and social commentaries, I must say I am dazzled.
Maybe I will add another sparkle to this scintillating mass of witty, people pereusing checks, and even more the thing sthese people wear.
So, I will tell you about myself.
Sadly, I live in a small college town, which would be great, but I am not in college yet. Save that for next fall. I'm thinking of going somewhere in New York. hopefully I will be accepted somewhereabouts. Hacking through highschool, sofar, my record is respectable, but unremarkable. 3.2ish grade point... I know. I'm ashamed. I would go on and give youall my sordid excuses but I annoy myself when I do that. Let me just tell you I have been homeless or couch hopping about 2/3 of highschool sofar. That'd be two years out of three. My grandmother was kind enough to house me this summer. Now I am back at home because my mother has had a new baby, 14 years the youngest of her children. Madelyn is a week old baby who delights herself by making strange gurgling noises from the pit of her stomach and gets the hiccups frequently.
myself, I am about seventeen with an ambition for an invisible something. I have yet to discover what I'm looking for.
For now I am wanting to see Factory Girl, I heard it was good. And Marie Antoinette, which I heard was bad. But I have a soft spot for crappy movies.
Have you yet noticed, this is my first post?
Yes, myspace has lost it's touch[after four years, the gilt shine has definitely rubbed off, now the grey plastic is apparent.] I joined myspace my freshman year of highschool, after the prompting of my friends. I admit to giving in to this sort of peer pressure. Anyway-Four hundred friends later, a zillion bulletins flaunting friend requests strong, I am officially worn out.
And even though I am sick, I cannot delete it. I will save it and return once everysooften to check up on the bands I've come to love.
So, in search of something less drama-provokactive, and a sight more anonymous, I have come to blogspot. After browsing several fashion blogs and social commentaries, I must say I am dazzled.
Maybe I will add another sparkle to this scintillating mass of witty, people pereusing checks, and even more the thing sthese people wear.
So, I will tell you about myself.
Sadly, I live in a small college town, which would be great, but I am not in college yet. Save that for next fall. I'm thinking of going somewhere in New York. hopefully I will be accepted somewhereabouts. Hacking through highschool, sofar, my record is respectable, but unremarkable. 3.2ish grade point... I know. I'm ashamed. I would go on and give youall my sordid excuses but I annoy myself when I do that. Let me just tell you I have been homeless or couch hopping about 2/3 of highschool sofar. That'd be two years out of three. My grandmother was kind enough to house me this summer. Now I am back at home because my mother has had a new baby, 14 years the youngest of her children. Madelyn is a week old baby who delights herself by making strange gurgling noises from the pit of her stomach and gets the hiccups frequently.
myself, I am about seventeen with an ambition for an invisible something. I have yet to discover what I'm looking for.
For now I am wanting to see Factory Girl, I heard it was good. And Marie Antoinette, which I heard was bad. But I have a soft spot for crappy movies.
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like lips on a whistle i just need to be around you.