For My A.P. Composition class i am to undertake the reading of a biography of Anne Sexton- personne fameux je choisi- and undergo an interview of sorts, impersonating this gal.
Agh the life. Alas, I am very hungry and hurt.
My best friend of two years, one i was "there for" when she thought she was pregnant and had noone else to go to, it was me, mais oui, moi, who listened to her cry about her families problems. And who does she claim to hate. Mais oui, c'est vrai, MOI!
Et pour quoi? I confronted her about talkign behind my back and i called her a bitch for it and told her not to do it again.
So now three years is garbage. Merci, Amber. May your life continue to be unfufilling, purposeless, and generally negative.
I am done with you. If you can do that to me in a milisecond i'm afraid to try to reinstate our friendship... so i wont be taking that chance. Even when you find out I'm the only one who ever put up with your bullshit. Tell me you can't be friends with me because I told you when you were being a bitch. How many times have you called me a bitch! Is this a one-way street and I am missing road signs. Signal. Ahhh.
I did not mean for this to be a rant... but erasing wouldn't be any good now.