

can you spot the difference between these four models?! and just for kicks, imagine lily cole's face with straight blonde hair and maybe she'd be one of the clone's as well. . as long as they're skinny and pretty i'm okay though. hahah

I am convinced she has asome kind of death wish.
yes, i know. disgusting.

More aesthetically pleasing, as always:

How can anyone hate her?



Also, I am convinced that if this woman can be model for Anna Sui, I should be. What is the purpose of this face look?

I felt the urg to bitch- I watched reruns yesterday of ANTM, where Jaslene and Natasha are in final two. Okay, does anyone else think it is a little hypocritic to be the host of a model competeition and have arms that fat?!



Open Casting Call, Big Rapids High School, Wednesday October 10th 3:15-6:15.

WHOA. Okay, so, I rarely watch the show, and when I do, I'm usually appalled. And the idea of being scrutinized by teenagers and most likely, some forty year-old men, the penis's of whom never got over the sweet and supple adolescant body. Hooray for 'To Catch A Predator.' Haha.

ANYHOW. I'm going to these calls anyway, because as nobody knows, it is my absolute dream of dreams to be a model. I don't know if this would do anything for me, but if they give me a diet and a workout plan, I'll take it. Until New York and the lower class and days of bread and water, me from the library, filling out the sheet from the big office.

in other ideas, homecoming was a blast, because I had someone to dance with for every slow song, even thoguh I had no date, and danced slowly twice with the cutest Steven Balkema. Do you know him?
::I think you dress unique::
::What makes you dress like that?::
-the boy sitting next to me.



lost the homecoming game last night, no surprise.
homecoming dance is tonight and with such a vundervul red flapper dress what could go wrong? to psych myself up i went thrifting and landed proenza schouler skinny jeans, the are khaki with black threads down the center, $3.29, size 3! i'm getting skinnier. seriously i used to be size 7! so hooray for me. anyhow also got the libertine for target black dress with lace collar, $1.99, a mossimo or however you spell it grey sweater dress i've been craving, finally found, the scarf, sheer black with lines tights, love, purple sheer tights as well, white sweater, seriosuly soooo soft ont he inside, and last but not least an interesting old man looking cardigan which i am in loooove with.
anyhow, back to that dance and that dress and my red pumps. i don't know why i'm nervous, that boy from A.P. Composition has been looking lately, and walks across the room to get my things. hmmmm... wondre if he'll ask me to dance? we'll see.

i've got to go to my grandmother's for more thriftness. later later love. will post pictures eventually...



greatest news in the world[at the moment]

GOSSIP GIRL has been made into a tele series premiering on the CW on the nineteenth.

having a party to celebrate.


can you imagine how many ways you could wear this? staple staple staple.
these would be perfect for lounging around the studio. fantastic colour. i've been needing a white skirt like this for a while. i'm thinking a solid colour tee would look good tucked in. perhaps a contrasting coloured old man sweater on top would be in order.
absolutely adorable. love love love. i'm seeing this worn with a really strange texture plain spaghetti strap shirt, tucked in. strappy sandals. i want this, i need it. worn with wool tights and legwarmers and armwarmers and that's that.
seeing this with contrasting colour leggings, yah? ankle boots preferred.
i'm simply wearing this with absolutely everything until the elbows are worn into something the same thickness as tissuepaper. by the way, who else is absolutely loathing lotion kleenex? you might as well spray cooking oil on your face.


much of this i have.
so many nice things have occured to day.
1. ege finally emailed me back, and has informed me he misses me, especially my sl=pleen.[yes, weird boy]
2. i am ITS state board choreographer.
3. i have brainstormed an idea for my column due in a week .

it is 1:00 a.m. and i'm not a wee bit tired.



Designer <3

Darling darling structure, darling darling colour schemes.

Okay so.. to day was succesful, up until now. You see, I've forgotten a list of vocabulary I've got a quiz on second period in my locker, so I'll be studying that during first. Also, I'm too tired to actually write an essay I've got to do for A.P. Comp., but that's my fifth period so I can cram it in pretty efficiently during lunch. Besides, I'll be needing hel on that, as I've no clue what it's about anyway. Speaking of APC, turned in the two drawings and recieved envy and other positive responses. Nothing like showing-off how fantastic you are when it comes to art with a room full of totally unartistic people for an ego boost.

Anyway, back to designers I've recently discovered and would die for. Jojovich has got this absolutely stunning little dress I need.
Though I do think it would be better in black- change the lilac to creme. Like antique lace or something. How nice.

The website isn't cooperating for my compupter, but maybe it will work for yours:jovovich-hawk

There is another dress I didn't include. But picture a light yellow number, high collar from bottom of the neck down to the knees, lampshade skirt looking pleats. amazing.



Read Gossip Girl?
Well, I've got this row of the series, and a sunday night with nothing better to read, swathed Nothing Can Keep Us Together. Which reads like a fantastic blog like the ones I pereuse here.
Very nice, very nice.
I want to be the point of the "being jealous of anyone that impossibly tall, curvy, and gorgeous would be a total waste of time."
I am tall, not curvy, and only gorgeous 1/3 of the time, if I even dare.

I seriously cannot wait for my hair to grow out. Looking forward to a bob, let's give it for February.

At 11:32 with nothing to do, I'm considering rearrangining my wardrobe, i've got no real input for the blog, and internet is too slow to keep browsing these fantastic blogs.
Check daddylikey and painfullyhip. very very nice nice.

Should I go dark-light or rainbow style? wait, which comes first: black, red, green, white, or purple? and after that...

Oh, and for school to morrow.
How to spice up a simple white dress?



So, what have I got. No camera, bloody eyes, and a missing book.
I need me some elliot smith soon before i tear out my hair. keep thinking things i don't want to think about. something's upset me.
I called my Da and listened[halfish] to his gospel abou living in the truth and implying with every syllable I should move out of le maison de ma mere and live with him. not happening.
unfortunately the school in that area is completely beneath me, to be honest. no A.P. courses available, tiny band, no drama programme, et cetera.

mon frere est tres malheure. i tried to get him to come with me to ma Da's but to nothing. He punched my arm while I was driving nearly eighty on the highway. My left arm and neck is quite bruised and swollen. i don't believe in violence, so i just kind of took it.
I don't know what I did. he just blew.

I'll give him a while. i just took him home and then went to my room to read. he's saying i shouldn't have tried to take him to Da's, and wont apologize, even with my Mother begging him to. I don't really mind. he'll be okay soon. I just hope I don't get in his way next time he is in that sort of mood again.
Mascara and salt water totally ruined to grey shirt i was wearing though. I'll have to geta new one. Or just wear it with dark greey splotches like that is how I bought it.

check out: facehunter.blogspot.com &&&&&&& heareverythingsaynothing.blogspot.com

very nice commentary. and great candid photos.

listen: Gravy Train; Nervous. Interesting hhaha.


Going to my Da's to day. I want Xavier, the brother to come, but he does not want to, so I am basically kidnapping him. I've got changes of clothes for him in the car. I'm going to say I'm just going home, but we'll get on the highway instead and for an hour he'll be very upset. Then when we get there he will be happy I forced him to come.
Went costume shopping to day with The Director of the Musicale, to no one's luck. I'll be needing a wig this year, didn't find any good ones there. And the costume store in GR was terrifyingly stark.
Okay, well, I'll be off now.
Sometime I'm going to post the assignment I got great compliments on. It's not too long, and i do believe it's very good.
For now.



A raging succes to dday, in general.
20/20 on A.P. Bio test, top compliments in A.P. Comp from prof and class in general, extremely fun game of Freeze[will explain], not so great marching, but the team won after a quadrouple overtime. I didn't know those existed. Mother came during school, took my car and filled the tank. Came home to find a box of no-fat cookies. Sang on a bus with a former crush with whom I am now extremely close friends.
The only undesirable event occuring would be my msn not staying connected right now.

Bjork's Pluto is raping my ears and I enjoy it. To day was a succesful day in fashion" silver leggings from UOs, white undershirt from AE, lace print baby top from Charlotte Russe, black and white keds, giant silver statement necklace.

Okay, so what's Freeze? It's a fantastically fun game of Improvisations. basically a group of ten or more will sit in a circle, while two are in the center. They are arranged into strange positions and then are told GO! They start acting and blah blah. At any time a person sitting may call FREEZE! and replace one of the actors. From there they can change the story entirely. If you have enough enthoustiastic people playing, this game may go on for literally hours.
have you ever seen Who's Line Is It Anyway?[great show, by the way] I'd say it's like the games they play. Ryan Stiles owns my heart. <333

Seen the musical ONCE APON A MATTRESS? It's this years fall musicale, and I'm sure to get a lead as it's my senior year, and well, I'm great. unfortunately I have big competition who happens to be a major kiss-ass. So we'll find out how that goes. Auditions are next week. Phhiiishhh.

Ah gah, i just remembered I've left my journal in my school locker for the weekend. Gahhh I hate when this happens.



So, great news!

Firstly, and the most exciting, is that I have been enrolled in the Airline Acadamy!
Secondly, school has started and got off to a semi-enjoyable start.

Thirdly, word has it, in my first year of earnings with a company, I will make around 25,000. Which means if I don't eat much and don't use a tele- or atleast, not one I have to pay for- I can get a studio apartment in the Upper East Side or in Soho 3 months after my eighteenth birthday. Five years of that and I can eat again. hooray. I could definitely live here. Or there, for that matter.

So, that is the dream for now.

So it looks like all the worrying about colleges and stuff was all for nothing. My idealistic future has been set in motion already, and it's a wish come true. Well, almost. I'm sort of in shock.
I'm going to post a neat web site on here, otherwise I will forget it. http://maps.live.com/ very very handy. Another plus, living here would mean I have a limited food supply, and being myself, I only eat healthy food becasue grease literally makes me vomit, along with walking long distances for items and passing the time, I should be in model shape by the end of the first year. Which, let me tell you, is the ulterior motive to setting myself up in new york. Lucky enough for a street casting?? <333>

Also, I found a picture of ma self in passing. Feeling faint, by the looks of it. Not very good, I think.



Madelyn has stopped crying, thankfully.
She has a tummy ache I think, because she cries even when she is feeding.

She is growing quite a lot, her head is significantly bigger. She looks like Grace Kelly.
Besides that To day was interesting. Currently I am watching "The Election," which I am enjoying immensly.
School will start infive days and I do not care. This year I will only do all my work to get A's in every class and hopefully go to Sarah Lawrence, or Pratt, or Richmond. Or none of those. Whatever. I have a great wardrobe, so now I will not be so timid. Money from the government is nice. P.S. vote Barack, if you have a brain.
I have suscribed to this models.com site and need pictures of myself. I have no camera unfortunately. I will need to get some soon. I am 5'8", I wiegh 120 lbs. I believe I have a nice face. Unique looking, I am told. My eyes are fairly wide apart and green. Perhaps when I have pictures I will show.

like lips on a whistle i just need to be around you.